English Language Teaching with Engagement in Mind

Implementing Post Method Approaches


  • Lutif Ali Halo University of Sindh




Post-Method Approaches, ELT, Second Language Teaching, English Language Teaching Methodology


This research studies the post method approaches in the English language teaching context of Pakistan. The study argues that methods are colonial legacy which are imposed upon all the cultural and social settings. The post-method approaches like particularity, practicality and possibility can bring drastic change in English language teaching of Pakistani context. This research has used qualitative questionnaires for collecting data. The selection of research participants is based on purposive sampling. The findings reveal that the post method approach makes teaching and learning effective by emphasizing on the conxtet of the students and situation. Therefore, this study has investigated the post method strategies and approaches practiced in the ELT context of Pakistan.


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Peer Reviewed Research Manuscript

How to Cite

Halo, L.A. (2022) “English Language Teaching with Engagement in Mind : Implementing Post Method Approaches ”, IARS’ International Research Journal, 12(02). doi:10.51611/iars.irj.v12i02.2022.204.

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